Friday, March 2, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Take 49)

--- 1 ---

Have you ever said something and then couldn’t believe it came out of your mouth?  I was talking to my mom earlier this week and she was telling me that she found one of my old baby dresses.  In response I said “Don’t tarry long in sending it or Lucia might not fit into it.” Don’t tarry long?  What?  Am I from the eighteenth century?

--- 2 ---

David gave Lucia her first bottle yesterday.  I pumped for the first time on Wednesday because Lucia will be three months next week and, although there hasn’t been any need to pump thus far, I know that eventually there will be.  It’s all gone pretty well so far, although I will have to say that breastfeeding is just so much more convenient.

--- 3 ---

I bought a month of unlimited yoga classes.  There was a special on one of those daily deal sites and I just couldn’t pass it up.  Before I got married, I did Bikram yoga quite a bit and loved it.  Now that I’ve started pumping and David is working from home, I can go to the classes regularly.  I won’t start my month until I get back from my trip to Atlanta next week.  And the best part about it?  The name of the yoga studio is Vault because it is actually in the vault of an old bank.

--- 4 ---

We found out this week that our insurance only covers well child visits and vaccines up to $500 a year.  We went over that in just her first two checkups.  Her two month appointment and vaccines were not covered and her four month visit next month won’t be either (we could possibly still be on this insurance for her six month appointment as well).  I am a little frustrated that the government is mandating that all employers provide contraception free of charge while childhood checkups don’t need to be provided (and I don’t even want it free, I would be happy to pay 10% of the charges like we do for other covered medical services).  But I suppose the reasoning is that if women can receive their birth control for free, there won’t be as many children needing checkups.

--- 5 ---

Every time we have unexpected expenses, the Lord answers our prayers and we receive unexpected money to pay for them. We’ve had several other unexpected medical bills recently because insurance denied our claims.  We even appealed some of them to no avail.  But my husband has had the opportunity to work at a science camp for kids two Saturdays a month to make some extra money and we also found out that we should be getting a substantial tax refund this year.  I’ve also found ways to make a little money here and there online to help out.  Somehow we always make it through.

--- 6 ---

Purdue is currently warning students to beware of nesting hawksIf you are not already scared off by the detestable insurance, you might want to avoid Purdue (or at least carry an umbrella for protection - I kid you not, that is the advice of university officials) because hawks nesting on campus can be very aggressive during nesting season and swoop down on unsuspecting coeds.  [I do say this in jest, however; other than the aggressive hawks and stingy insurance, it's been a pretty amazing school for my husband.]

--- 7 ---

In case you were worried that my little one isn't getting enough to eat, here she is in all her rolls and glory:

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


  1. LOL @ #1 and 6!

    That is insane about the insurance coverage. There are some things that are not covered that I shake my head at... but well child appointments and immunizations? That makes me so mad! Her rolls and chub couldn't possibly be cuter!!! 

  2. Apparently you can get the standard vaccines for much cheaper at government clinics?  One blogger I follow has mentioned a few things about having a baby with not-great insurance and my doctor told me to try a public clinic for vaccines.  Even though I have good insurance, non-pediatricians apparently don't carry vaccines that are typically given to children, even though adults such as myself may need them (my parents were anti-vac so now I'm trying to catch up with the ones I think are reasonable).  Anyway, it might be worth looking into.  And as a taxpayer, I'd much, much rather be paying for your baby's vaccines than contraception!

    And three cheers for getting back into yoga! It sounds wonderful.

  3. Prayers for you with all the insurance mess! We had about 6 month with my school insurance some crappy cover for a few month insurance for Steven and it was so stressful just hoping nothing happened. His job now has the best insurance and I am so thankful for it now. 

    As always, what a cutie!! 

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your insurance problems!  We are on grad student insurance too, and while annoying, it's not as stingy as Purdue's.  I hope that you are able to get on better insurance before Lucia's 6-month appointment.  Doesn't it figure that our government is bound and determined to make contraception free, but not medical care for children?
    That's such a cute picture!  She's adorably roly (and healthy)!

  5. Enjoy your yoga time! I hope you Find yourself energized and refreshed after the sessions.

  6. #4: Not surprised.  Student insurance policies can be crappy.  Well... actually insurance in general can.  The only reason ours works is that I have a kid who is also covered by Medicaid and he kills our $2100/person deductible pretty quickly with Medicaid paying what insurance doesn't.  (He's eligible for Medicaid through SSI.)  I'd definitely look into your county board of health for vaccinations because they'll usually have the necessary ones and for cheaper than your family practice doctor will.  There also might be some state well-child thing that will cover it as well.

    #6: How are you affiliated with Purdue if you are living in North Carolina?

  7.  Jen, my husband is a Purdue Ph.D. student but his advisor left Purdue for a school here over the summer.  If we had stayed and switched advisors, it would have taken much longer for him to graduate, so instead we moved here.  He was already done with his classes, so that wasn't a problem.  He is technically still a Purdue student (paid by Purdue, graduating from Purdue) but is doing his research in his advisors lab here. 

    We just applied for Lucia to get state insurance.  We qualify because of our low income, but I'm not sure if we are eligible since we have other insurance for her.  

  8. I'm so glad she took the bottle!  Be glad you did it now because I know a good number of moms that missed the bottle window and got stuck.  I didn't start ours until she was 3 weeks, but I actually wish I had started sooner.  It's nice to get a break every now and then (and our girl still isn't into much of a routine, so it's a huge relief).

  9. New reader here... but I live in NC and I'm pretty sure you can get free vaccines at your local health dept.  When my first was born (4 yrs ago) one of our friends had a similar insurance issue and I believe she was directed to the health dept.  It is definitely something to check into at least! Good luck - I know that must be frustrating.  :)


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