Sunday, July 7, 2013

WIWS: A Dog Goes with Every Outfit

dress: Dress Barn | shoes: Maurice's | necklace: Premier Designs
earrings: Blue Nile | bracelet: gift | dog: Jack Russell Terrier

This is kind of a rerun from last week.  Not the same dress, but the same story.  It's also one of my favorite dresses that I bought at the beginning of the school year (actually, same store, same shopping trip) and also has never made a WIWS appearance previously because it's not breastfeeding friendly.  Now that Lulu's down to nursing only once or twice a day, we're not nursing in public, so some of my dresses get some play!

My mom and I played a little toddler-dog musical chairs today.  David, Lucia, and I went to Mass while she took Brandi in for her shots, we met at my grandparents where I left Lucia with her to go swimming, and David and I took Brandi back home.  My mom will be going to Mass tonight and Lucia may be back for a second round.  Perhaps she'll ask for grade forgiveness to improve her C- grade from this morning?  Most likely my mom won't tempt fate and will leave her with my grandparents when she goes, but we'll see.

I haven't talked much about our dogs on this blog (at least not as much as dog-crazed Katie), but I will assure you that I am I dog person.  I'm terribly allergic to cats so I'm not sure if that's why I don't like them or if I wouldn't like them much anyway (sorry, cat lovers), but I feel like a life without dogs is just not a life worth living.  I have desperately missed having a four-legged companion throughout college and the past few years and I look forward to having a house with a yard someday so I can get Lucia her own little puppy.  
I know I have talked about how much Lucia loves dogs.  She has a special bond with my sweet old Brandi.  Well, sweet isn't actually a good description of her because she's actually quite grumpy and always has been.  It's getting worse with age, but she has a real sweet spot for Lucia.  I've had a post in drafts for a while now all about the special bond between those two, so I'll leave it at that right now.
Can you believe that pup will be 16 years old in December?  She's my little girl, I chose her out of the litter when I was 10 years old.  Our next door neighbor bred Jack Russells and I begged and I begged for that little puppy.   And that's all I can type today...I'm tearing up thinking about how we're moving and every time we've moved away the past few years, I've thought it might be the last time I'd see her.  This time, it might be for real.  She's getting up there and I feel just so blessed to have been able to spend the last year living with her.  And that my little girl got to play with her...and now I'm officially a sobbing mess.
Head over to Fine Linen and Purple to check out other What I Wore Sunday participants and congratulate my dear friend Kendra on her new "wardrobe addition", won't ya?


  1. The way you feel about your dog is the same way I feel about my cat (which I also have rarely discussed on my blog). I picked him out as a kitten when I was 9, so he's now almost 20 years old! I always think it will be the last time I see him every time I go home :( And unfortunately, I can never have a cat of my own any more because of an allergic husband.

    As for the fashion, I love that dress with that necklace!

  2. I love those stripes!

    And I hate cats for the same reason... I'm allergic to them so I've kind of decided I hate them because they make me sneeze!


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