Tuesday, August 20, 2013

For Those with Mental Illness

Today, I will be starting a novena to St. Dymphna for all people suffering with mental illness.  Several people have shown interest in praying with me, so I am posting the novena prayer here and will be sending out reminders each day through social media.  If you would like to follow along, you can like Messy Wife, Blessed Life on Facebook, follow on Twitter, or leave me your email (in the comments or email it to messywifeblessedlife@gmail.com) as I'll be emailing out a daily reminder as well.  

What is a novena? A novena is a nine day series of prayers said for a specific intention(s). 

Who is St. Dymphna? St. Dymphna was a young Christian girl living in Ireland in the 7th century.  Her father was a pagan king, her mother a Christian.  After the death of her mother, she was pursued for a romantic relationship by her father, she fled from home, was eventually found by her father and was killed.  She was only 15 at her death.  She is the patron Saint of those suffering from nervous disorders and mental illness.  Her feast day is May 15th.  You can read more about her here.

Why do Catholics (and various other Christian denominations) pray to Saints? When we pray to Saints, we are not worshiping or adoring them, rather, we are asking for their prayers.  They, for various reasons, are examples of how to follow God.  We also know that they are with Him in heaven,  Just as we might ask friends or family members to pray for us, we ask the Saints, who are in heaven with the Lord to bring our petitions to Him.  We do not do this instead of bringing our prayers directly to God, but in addition.  For more, read this short and sweet 2-minute apologetics on the topic or this explanation.

Prayer (to be said nine consecutive days):

St. Dymphna, a great wonder worker in every affliction of mind and body, I humbly implore your powerful intercession with Jesus through Mary, the Health of the Sick.

You are filled with love and compassion for the thousands of patients brought to your shrine for centuries and for those who cannot come to your shrine but invoke you in their homes or in hospitals. Show the same love and compassion toward me, your faithful client. The many miracles you have wrought through your intercession give me great confidence that you will help me in my present need. (state your specific request or intention here!)

I am confident of obtaining my request, if it is for the greater glory of God and the good of my soul. For the sake of Jesus and Mary, whom you loved so earnestly, and for whom you offered your life in martyrdom, grant my prayer.

St. Dymphna, young and beautiful, innocent and pure, help me to imitate your love of purity. You chose to be martyred by your own fathers sword rather than consent to sin. Give me strength and courage in fighting off the temptations of the world and evil desires.

As you have given all the love of your heart to Jesus, help me to love God with my whole heart and serve Him faithfully. As you bore the persecution of your father and the sufferings of an exile so patiently, obtain for me the patience I need to accept the trials of my life with loving resignation to the will of God.

St. Dymphna, through your glorious martyrdom for the love of Christ, help me to be loyal to my faith and my God as long as I live. And when my hour of death comes, stand at my side and pray for me that I may at last merit the eternal crown of glory in God's Kingdom.

Good St. Dymphna, I beg you to recommend my request to Mary, the Health of the Sick, and Comforter of the Afflicted, that both of you may present it to Jesus, the Divine Physician.

O God, You gave St. Dymphna to Your Church as a model of all virtues, especially holy purity, and willed that she should seal her faith with her innocent blood and perform numerous miracles. Grant that we who honor her as patroness of those afflicted with nervous and mental illness may continue to enjoy her powerful intercession and protection and attain eternal life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

I'd love to hear what you have to say! You can also contact me directly by emailing me at messywifeblessedlife@gmail.com.