Monday, August 15, 2011

No Dinner without Dessert

My husband and I like to make a lot of vegetable stir-fries for dinner.  We went to the farmer’s market on Sunday and picked up some gorgeous, fresh vegetables (including ghost eggplant), so that was a natural choice for tonight’s dinner plate.  My only reservation is that our stir-fries are often lacking a major protein.  Sometimes we use tofu or add beans, and once in a while, we’ll cook chicken to add to my husband’s portion (if you didn’t already catch it, I’m a vegetarian).  But the amazing farmer’s market vegetables were begging to be left untainted by store-bought beans or tofu. 

And then I remembered a recipe I came across a few days ago.  No protein in your meal?  No problem, just make a high-protein dessert!  So we made this amazing Mexican Chocolate Tofu Pudding.  It came out great, with a light consistency reminiscent of a mousse.   If you like Mexican hot chocolate, you’ll appreciate the cinnamon and chili powder, but if that’s not to your liking, I think it would taste great if you left out those ingredients or if you added the spices of your choice.  I can’t recommend it enough. 

Now you have the best excuse to eat your dessert - because it’s just part of a nutritionally balanced dinner.  

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