Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Twitterature (books in 140 characters or less)

Before I start, I have to mention that I just made a new infographic for my "about" page.  I thought it came out awesome and couldn't believe that I made it! I used to make it - so quick and easy.  Now that I figured out a way to make them, expect some more infographics in the future.

Modern Mrs. Darcy is introducing a new monthly book link up and I'm so excited to join.  What a great way to keep me to my New Year's resolution to read more.  I haven't finished any books recently (I haven't read much since Lucia was born), but I'm currently in the middle of a few.  Without further ado, I give you my current reads, Twitter style.

Source of parenting inspiration, but I'm still convinced we do some things better here in the USA. Epidurals? No breastfeeding? No thanks.

Forget everything you've learned about healthy eating. This academic work will convince you to eat like a caveman. I've lost 2 lbs already.

For teachers, parents, or anyone who needs a reminder of the most essential life skills. It's challenged me to improve myself.

(What is it with these long book subtitles? They did make it easier to keep my review under 140 characters though.)

This was so fun, you should try it. Leave a Twitterature review of a recent read or your favorite book in the comments!


  1. What a fantastic idea! As a former English major who's well aware of her wordiness, 140 characters sounds like a great challenge for book reviews =) I just peeked at your infographic and it looks great! I've really enjoyed designing my own images for a while now!

    1. I can be a bit too verbose too, Stephanie, so this was a challenge. It was nice to be able to boil down what I'm reading to some basics instead of getting overwhelmed by details.

      Thanks for your compliment on the infographic, I've never made one before and was just wowed at how easy it was!

  2. This is the first review of Bringing Up Bebe I've seen that actually says something positive about Americans! (I haven't read the book, though I'm intrigued.)

    Your new infographic is darling. I love the rebrand!

    1. There was definitely some good food for thought in Bringing Up Bebe and I've actually started incorporating some of the ideas into the way we are raising our baby, but there were a few startling facts as well, including the fact that there is a 98% epidural rate and almost no breastfeeding. I'm a semi-crunchy mama, so those just didn't sit well with me (and I would never go that route myself by choice - obviously I realize sometimes those things are necessary). I doubt any culture is "perfect" when it comes to parenting. The author herself expressed sadness at the lack of breastfeeding there. (Perhaps I'll have to write a longer review of it when I am finished.)

      Thanks for hosting, Anne and for the compliments about my infographic and my new rebrand!

  3. Cute infographic and a clever idea to do a life road map. And I love Ron Clark!

    1. Aw, thanks Kelly! I can't say I agree with everything he's written, but Ron Clard certainly is a great educator!


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