Sunday, January 20, 2013

What I Wore Sunday: Breastfeeding-Unfriendly

Dress: LOFT | Jacket: Gap
Leggings: unknown | Boots: Bare Traps
David worked last night and this morning.  He also has a work meeting this afternoon.  So the ONLY Mass time we could make was 11:30 and I had to meet him there.  If you didn't know (or couldn't assume from my blog name), I have a hard time getting out of the door at all, much less on my own.  The only reason we are 10 minutes early to Mass every week is because of my very organized, very patient husband.  Even with my mom's help this morning, we were running late.  So I had about two seconds to throw on an outfit.  It came out great for not having much thought put into it, right?
Oh yeah, except for the little fact that it's not breastfeeding-friendly.


Lucia was great the first half of Mass, until she started pulling on my chest, clearly hankering for some milk.  It all began to spiral downwards from there. 

Skinnier Mandi brought to you by the Perfect Health Diet.  
More details on this in the weeks to come.

I'm linking up to Fine Linen and Purple's What I Wore Sunday linkup.  Check it out for more church attire inspiration.


  1. You look great! I bet that diet bet is going to go well :)

    1. I don't know if I'm going to lose all 4%, but I'll be close and I'm happy with the results so far so that's all that really matters (although to win my money back would be nice).

  2. Oh no! On the bright side, you do look fabulous- even from the tights, down. Luckily, the tights and boots are breast-feeding friendly, right? :-)

    1. Thanks, Kinsi! Yep, and leggings are super kid friendly since they keep me from being embarrassed when my little one lifts my skirt!

  3. So frustrating about the breastfeeding and fashion dilemmas! So many beautiful dresses put on hold. You look gorgeous in this, however well it didn't work out. And I would LOVE to hear about the diet! Always glad to hear other's healthy eating experiences!

    1. I definitely will be writing about it soon! It goes against modern food knowledge (it's high fat, low carb, no sugar) but I feel great!

  4. Love love love the color of the dress. Feel your pain on the breastfeeding unfriendly clothing.

  5. Totally understand abt dresses being breast feeding unfriendly..... I have tons that I can't wear postpartum. And I miss them!
    Love the outfit

  6. I love the dress. I haven't actually nursed Cora in church in a few months (she's a distracted nurser), but she hasn't actually made it all the way through mass in the pew in a month or so either. My husband usually has to take her out to the cry "room" (a wing off the narthex) during the Liturgy of the Eucharist and lets her crawl around. As much as I want to keep taking her into mass, my sister drops her toddler off at the nursery...and I'm starting to think that may not be a terrible idea (for me, possibly not for you). A calm hour with a baby this age is so hard!

    1. None of the churches we've ever attended have had nurseries, so it's never been an option. I like the idea of being in Mass together, but I have really enjoyed the few times Lucia has stayed at home with my parents when she's been sick!

  7. Love the dress and the color is gorgeous. Oopsy in the not nursing friendly part. As for the weight loss - you go girl!

  8. So...your whole outfit is amazing, just saying ;-)

    1. Would you believe that dress was only $10 on clearance at LOFT and the leggings I bought on the grocery store?

  9. Such a bummer that your dress isn't baby friendly, because it's gorgeous! I love the color, and you look beautiful.

  10. It's one of those things you don't think about until you have kids. There has to be boob access!

    1. Yep, I almost feel like putting away all non-breastfeeding friendly clothes until she's weaned so I don't make this mistake again (and I don't get sad looking at the clothes I can't wear). But I do wear them sometimes to work!

  11. Thanks! They had several different colors, but each color was a slightly different style. My husband liked this style best on me, but it wasn't my favorite color. Now I love it and am glad I lucked into it!


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