While I certainly don't make enough money online to call it a salary, I do make enough to supplement our income in a noticeable way. I've shared some of the ways I've earned money in the past, but they have evolved over time as I've learned what's worth it, what's too time consuming, and what really works. Here are my top "money makers".
Reachli - This is fairly new (as in I started using it in mid-January) but I've already earned and cashed out over $30. Definitely my new favorite money maker. This is not only for bloggers but for anyone who uses social media. Once you are approved as a publisher, you can browse the available campaigns, and tweet, post on facebook, or pin on twitter any that are interesting to you. You get paid for every click on the link. I love this because I don't have to "sell out" at all. I only share items I'm truly interested in - cute clothing or jewelry, innovative products, or interesting blogs. If I don't like it, I don't share it. If I do like it and share it, I find that it's typically interesting to my readers as well. Totally win-win.
I've also signed up for a similar website, Viraliti, just a few days ago so I haven't had a chance to really try it out yet. It's taking signups for its waiting list right now, it might be worth getting on the list.
Swagbucks - The old standby! I don't earn as much as I used to, because I don't devote as much time to it as I once did (only five minutes or so every other day), but I still make enough for it to be worth it ($5-10 a month). To learn more about Swagbucks, check out my more detailed post here.
GiftHulk - Similar to Swagbucks, it's the newest rewards site on the scene. It seems to take longer to earn points than Swagbucks, but again, if I only spend 15 minutes or so on it a week in exchange for $5-10 a month, it's worth it to me.
Ebates and ShopAtHome - I guess this is technically saving money instead of earning money, but if I'm getting cash back from purchases I would make anyway, I consider it extra money! If you shop online, even occasionally, you need to use Ebates and/or ShopAtHome. Both have a similar premise: if you plan to buy something online, first go to the Ebates/ShopAtHome website. Search for the online store there and enter it through the Ebates/ShopAtHome link. Once you make your purchase, you will get a certain percentage of your purchase deposited into your Ebates/ShopAtHome account. Once you reach a certain amount, you get a check in the mail. Nearly every place I shop online (even many smaller specialized stores) have a cash back value on either Ebates or ShopAtHome.
I suggest joining both since some stores are only available on one or the other. ShopAtHome matches cash back values of 110% so if you check both sites and Ebates has a higher cash back percentage, you can buy through ShopAtHome and tell them about the better offer at Ebates and get back even more. (I use ShopAtHome more because of this, but have found some stores that are only available at Ebates. Ebates also has a lower cash-out threshold - only $5 versus $20 at ShopAtHome.)
Example: Ebates currently has 6% cash back at Kohl's while ShopAtHome only has 3%. If I go ahead and order through ShopAtHome and submit information proving that Ebates had higher cash back, I will get 6.6% back from ShopAtHome. On our recent $150 big girl car seat purchase at Kohl's, that would have meant $9 back from Ebates or $9.90 back from ShopAtHome. Even getting $0.25 per purchase for small orders adds up over time.
I kick myself anytime I forget to check these sites before purchasing something. Another bonus is that these sites show coupon codes that will help you save even more on your purchase! If I can get free shipping, usually it's cheaper for me to buy something online with coupon codes and my cash back than it is to buy it in store (and I don't have to tell you busy moms that it's WAY more convenient).
For more money making/money saving tips, click here.
If you have any money makers, I'd love to hear about them! Thanks!

This was super helpful to me! I've been praying about finding ways to earn a little extra money online. I signed up for Reachli, but it still seems a little cryptic...in other news, Mandi, I've nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check it out here: