...changed more diapers than anyone else
...works so hard to provide for his family
...loves babies and children and talks about how much he can't wait to have more
...makes the best breakfasts
...gets that sparkle in his eye when he sees his daughter
...leads his family closer to Christ, even if that means spending Mass every week in the foyer with a nasty, hungry, and overtired toddler
...I married in part because I knew he would be an amazing father (you proved me right)
...shows his daughter how a woman should be treated through the way he loves and respects me
...doesn't hear enough how much he is loved and appreciated
Happy Father's Day!
We spent the weekend with family, including several incredible fathers: my own dad, my Papa, my uncle, my cousin, and my wonderful husband. David was able to take the day off Sunday and we had a relaxing day with the people we love. The highlight of the day though was the fact that David was able to celebrate Father's Day with both our daughter and our goddaughter (my cousin's little one). This is only the second time we've seen her since she was born (we weren't even able to make the baptism) so it's incredible that she happened to be out visiting on Father's Day! What a blessing!

What a beautiful tribute to a fantastic father!