Earlier this week, I asked on my Facebook page for some suggestions of chapter books to read to Lucia. At 27 months, I'm not quite sure she's ready for chapter books, but I'd like to try it and have a few options around the house for when we are ready to start. After getting some amazing ideas, I decided to order Winnie-the-Pooh and The Wind in the Willows. On my list to buy next are: Frog and Toad books, Charlotte's Web, and Little House in the Big Woods. Can you believe I haven't read any of those books before? I'm excited to read them for the first time with my little girl!
I've read a few great posts this week. May I share them with you?
Why miscarriage matters when you're pro-life at The Lewis Note
Small at Surviving Our Blessings
The naming of things also at Surviving Our Blessings
Felicity Marian: A Birth Story Part I at Catholic & Crunchy (I usually don't like reading birth stories, but this is a friend and her baby who I'll be meeting next week! It's also super encouraging for women who want as natural as possible births when they have to be induced.)
Can we go back to book suggestions? Any suggestions for a Lent/Stations of the Cross book for a little one? I was looking at this one on Amazon. Does anyone have any experience with it or another that you want to share? I'm going to be reading Simplifying the Soul: Lenten Practices to Renew Your Spirit (got it last year after Lent and have been waiting, waiting, waiting, to read it) and Come Be My Light by Bl. Mother Teresa (I asked for ideas and that suggestion was already sitting on my bookshelf so it was the automatic winner).
Lucia loves to talk about Jesus after we turn the lights out at bedtime. Usually it's something along the lines of, "Poor, Juju (Jesus) owies!" and she's often begs me to take the crucifix down to kiss the booboos on his hands and feet and side. Last night, the conversation took a different turn:
"Juju has a thumb."
Well, actually, he has two. Smart girl I've got, no?
Today, Lucia is spending the day with my friend, Kayla, and her daughter, Lucy. When I woke her, I said, "You're going to play with Baby Lucy today."
Lucia: "No, Baby RABBIT!"
Not sure why she started calling Lucy "Lucy Rabbit" earlier this month but she did and it's pretty cute, so I don't discourage it. She even found a rabbit stuffed animal to bring with her to play with "Baby Rabbit".
Lucia has taken to drumming. And yes, I know that she isn't ever wearing a shirt in the pictures or videos I share. Probably because she rarely wears one.
Have you tried a Flexi yet?
A friend of mine is hosting a Lilla Rose party as part of a fundraiser for Galilee House, a soon-to-open residence in our area for women experiencing crisis pregnancies. In addition to her donating her hostess rewards, I'm donating 10% of sales to Galilee House. If you would like to try Lilla Rose products (or expand your current collection) while helping a really great cause, you can shop her party on my Lilla Rose website here.

Love love love Come Be My Light. In my top ten books of all time. I am in the market for lent books for kids too... Let us know what you think of that one if you order it :-)
ReplyDeleteMy 3 year old daughter loved Winnie the Pooh and Little House. A.A. Milne wrote some great children's poetry which my kids love, probably even more than they loved Pooh. You should check that out as well (maybe your library would have it).
ReplyDeleteWe are reading Wind in the Willows to my 5 year old and the chapter are super long and descriptive , it certainly challenges his attention span but it really is such a good book. We are all enjoying it.
I love this book about the station for kids - http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/stations-of-the-cross-lawrence-g-lovasik/1002189384?cm_mmc=googlepla-_-book_under5-_-q000000633-_-9780899422992&cm_mmca2=pla&ean=9780899422992&isbn=9780899422992&r=1#product-commentaries-1.
ReplyDeleteI actually think I might get a 2nd one to take apart and hang the pictures on the wall.
That drum set is a favorite in our house as well. :)
I will say we didn't have very good luck with Winnie The Pooh. We got most of the way through the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, though. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the shout-out, Mandi! I always love welcoming your readers. :-)
ReplyDeleteYes to A.A. Milne! "Now We Are Six" is wonderful, I think Lulu might like the poem "Good Girl?" I memorized several from that book and just love it. (My son is Alexander and so I have a soft spot for "Alexander Beetle.") I hadn't read Little House in the Big Woods before either, and just finished it last month (and I didn't even read it out loud to my 18 mo old). :) One of the best things about being a mom is revisiting old favorites and reading new ones.